Completed Generative AI with LLMs Course on Coursera

It’s been quite a while since I did a course (as I regularly used to) to top-up my knowledge on the rapidly evolving field of AI. As a new parent, I guess it can sometimes get tough to make time for doing such courses, and regularly posting updates on a blog.

Since April 2023, I’ve been working on Muse at Unity. Muse is an LLM-driven AI assistant for Unity developers and enthusiasts that began as a web-based chat interface back then and has over time gotten closer and closer to Unity Editor to the point that now it’s able to take stock of what a user is actively working on in the Editor and provide tailored advice, code and even perform tasks within the Editor on their behalf.

I’ve been a part of this project pretty much since its inception, and have learned a lot simply by doing. There was little time to actually learn about LLMs more systematically given how hectic things have been at work (and outside work too), and I noticed quite a few gaps in my understanding of the wider LLM-space. So, I finally took the time to do a Coursera foundation course on LLMs which gave me the opportunity to fill some of these gaps. I really enjoyed doing this particular course, and I feel it was very well designed and executed by Andrew Ng and his team of instructors! And I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in getting a general idea of the space, key concepts and some basic hands-on experience in prompt engineering and model fine-tuning. As always, I chose to do it with the option of getting a certificate of completion.

Of course, this was only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to LLMs! I’m looking forward to now placing anything new I come across into a more structured understanding of the LLM space that this course has given me!